Thursday, March 23, 2006

It's a superb product actually

Ok, so apparently Junket is not a commonly known desert item.

I've gotten a couple "what the fuck is Junket?" comments since my last post.

Well, it's yumminess basically. It's a tasty little treat that my grandmother used to make every day as a snack for my sister and I.

Back when technically having a "desert" for an afternoon snack was considered not only acceptable but downright typical. Gotta miss those days. Having desert for a snack nowadays may be typical for most American kids, however it is looked upon shamefully and with disgust considering the Nation's issue with childhood obesity.

You know what? To that I say make them run their little asses around for a while occasionally - you're not going to stay a healthy weight sitting on your duff playing Grand Theft Auto 27 all day long.

And there I go with the digressing already.

So! Junket!

Observe how overtly dedicated the manufacturer has stayed to maintaining their level of marketing trendiness:

And their website only backs me up on this even more.

Yes, people. We apparently still reside in the 70's.

So yes, Junket does still in fact exist - much to my pleasure.

I shall have to locate it and make some. It appears I may have to actually order it online as I have not noticed it gracing many grocery store shelves in my area.

And to answer the question "what the fuck is Junket?", according to the website it's a:

"Superb product that can be used to prepare various delightful desserts for the whole family to enjoy!"

Wee fun! It makes me want to go right out and have a superbly delightful experience with my whole family!

But more specifically it's these little tablets that looks like pills - and when you add them to scalded milk they dissolve and by means that can only be explained by using words such as "magic!" and "miraculously!" the milk solidifies into a sweet custard-y likeness. The kind that reminds me of He-Man and She-Ra, Smurfs, and all the other fabulous 80's shows that came on between the hours of 3pm and 5pm, Monday through Friday.

And there we have it.


Blogger Tiffany said...

I may have to have some for my birthday... It would be fitting and all!

And holy cow! 2 posts in a row!


3/24/2006 9:20 AM

Blogger Michele said...

Couldn't they come up with a more appealing name than Junket? Seriously, doesn't even sound like food.

3/24/2006 10:44 AM


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