Sunday, September 11, 2005

Ok peeps...

So here's the poop:

I am a bad BAD blogger.

I write this story about TowelGirl and then I drop off the face of the planet without crafting the next and final (oh god I hope) installment of the story.


I realize I will not be poised diligently in front of the computer for three more days because I will be in training for work.

And to that I exhale a rather large "BLAH".

Now there is a slight possibility I will find myself inspired to sit and blog. And god knows I owe all my adoring fans.

(I have, like, 2 now)


(no, seriously)

(would I lie?)

(ok, yes, maybe if it meant stroking my ego and to make myself feel like I actually write and someone actually cares to read)

(but I'm pretty sure that both my mom and husband read this with some slight regularity. So there! Husband + mom = 2 fans!)

And now that I have spent, like, 5 minutes writing this "quick" little note to all of you when I could have actually worked on the next installment.

But whatever.

I'm not feeling inspired to write about that right now. I claim creative license. Which pretty much allows me to develop weird and annoying habits and I can chalk it all up to my being creative and artistic. I use the words "creative" and "artistic" loosely.

Anyway. Where was I?

Oh yes - so there IS a slight possibility I may write something sooner. But then again there's all this great stuff on tv this week like the season finale of Rescue Me (Oh joy!) and the season premiere of Gilmore Girls.

So by the time I get home from hauling myself back and forth from San Francisco to San Jose during shitty rush hour...I may just sit on my ass, drink wine (obviously), and watch smut-tv.

Because I am so all about the smut-tv.

So we'll just have to see.


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