Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Bacon, Biscuits, Wine, and Fontina - the 4 Food Groups

Let me take you back a few weeks to that wedding I blogged about. Yes, the one where we acted moronically about some cookies. The lunacy failed to end there. I meant to draw up the 2nd installment of this story sooner rather than later while I still had the momentum. But you know, life happens, offices move, we avoid knitting projects whilst drinking wine and trying to ignore weird cookie obsessions.

Here we go...on to the 2nd installment. Maybe. Wish me luck.

After making well-rounded fools of ourselves at the charming B&B the three of us wandered on to the next event of the evening - a beach bonfire. Nothing to report here. We sat, we drank, we avoided getting caught on fire, we made our way back to the house we were staying at. Bottom line: we behaved ourselves which means no fodder for my blog.

But do not distress!

Upon returning home we had discovered that it was not only early, but the fingerfood we had snacked on at the post rehearsal dinner was not going to cut it. Not only that, but we had no food (of the junk variety) or drinks (wine) to keep us through the weekend. Clearly a trip to the grocery store was in order.

It didn't take long to find a foodstore of suitable size and before long the BestFriend and I were strolling up and down the aisles with a cart, the Husband off in some other area searching out cookies. Ok, to be more specific, it was the aisle that contains the wine that we strolled. Three bottles of wine in the cart, we moved on to the refrigerator section in search of bacon.

Wine? Check.

By this point it had already been decided that we would need to have bacon as a snack once we returned home. Mostly because the BestFriend and I had determined on a previous weekend that if you bake bacon in the oven on a broiling pan you get the most perfectly crisp, scrumptiously nummy yummy bacon. Seriously. Never going back to pan frying.

Bacon? Check.

After acquiring the bacon, the Husband returned from his trip searching for cookies. After dumping two bags in the cart he grabs some Cinnamon Rolls of the you-bake-it variety. Which drew my attention to biscuits which sat innocently nearby.

Me (to anyone who cared): You know what goes tasty with bacon?
BestFriend: No, what?
Me: Biscuits. I think we need biscuits.
BestFriend: Oh totally.
Biscuits? Check.

Next thing we absolutely needed was Fontina cheese. Don't ask me why - it's just the best damn cheese ever. If there was ever a cheese I was going to just sit around and snack on, that would be it. Given that BestFriend is in total agreement with me on this opinion we headed over to the cheese section - picking up some orange juice and crackers on the way. Naturally.

Fontina Cheese? Check.

Our cart full of sundries that would make any stoner rouse from their daze, we made our way to the check-out and headed home.

Where we drank wine, ate biscuits, cinnamon rolls, fontina cheese and crackers. And yes, we ate it all. Well only half the package of bacon.

But let me caution you, whenever eating around the BestFriend, be careful to guard whatever it is you're nibbling on. If you eat too slowly she'll wait until you're not paying attention - which at this point in time when the story is being told is like, all the time, because by now I had consumed approximately 1 margarita, 1 beer, and 4 glasses of wine. And then she'll steal your last cinnamon roll. And stuff the whole damn thing in her mouth before you can stop it.
And then smile for the camera.

(click to enlarge so you can read my chicken-scratch comments)


But at the time I was unphased. I had more bacon to munch on and the attention-span of a knat given my buzzed state.


And that was our way of fulfilling the four food groups.

I kid you not - we are full-fledged adults. We have jobs, pay taxes, own property, and flounder around with responsibilities like the rest of you.

Go figure.


Blogger Michele said...

Serve you right for leaving your food unattended!

8/10/2005 12:04 PM


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