Monday, August 01, 2005

Moving Offices: Sucky and Simultaneously Cool

So moving my office from the hot, dry, boring underbelly of the Bay Area (aka South San Jose) to the more trendy, charming, and uber hoity-toity town of Los Gatos has been energy-sapping and creativity-stifling. But not without it's disadvantages in the long run. Sure I've been running around like a mad woman for the past week, covered in dust, trying to make sense of all the boxes. But now I have 16 more square feet! Yes! I now have an 8x8 cube rather than the 8x6 I had before. A cube I couldn't roll my chair around in without either hitting a wall or rolling out the door. And you're probably thinking how sad and miniscule 16 sqft is. Well you try increasing your working space by a third and then tell me about it.

Ok fine, it's still pathetic. What do you want? I work in a cube. I have low expectations and am easily charmed.

That and I have a cool blue stripe on my wall that is both calming and serene.

So here I am in my new 33% larger cube, unpacked, feeling serene, and I realize I haven't blogged in, like, 5 months. My fanclub (of maybe one person) must be feeling horribly deprived. (love you mom).

Did I mention I am now in hoity-toityland? Oh it is so nice. There are actual places to EAT here! Yes! I am no longer forced to choose between BoringChainRestaurant #1 and BoringChainRestaurant #2. There are cutsy little "cafes" and "deli's"! And everywhere around me are huge beautiful homes to remind me of just exactly what I will never afford for as long as I shall choose to remain here!

It's fab!

Word on the knitting front: uhhhhhhhhhh...

Let's change the subject.

Ok, ok. I'll admit it. I haven't been working as diligently as I once was on the afghan project. And if by "working as diligently" means "not at all", then I am being nothing but honest with you.

And, oh for shame! I cannot lie to you - my adoring Blogowers - I went to a JoAnn Fabric yesterday and bought yarn.

Yes! I bought yarn. Yarn that has nothing to do with UnFinishedAfghan #1 NOR UnFinishedAfghan #2. Did I not mention there is an UnFinishedAfghan #2? My bad. There is.

Oh the foolishness of it all.

So now I'm sinking into that pit. You know the one.

THAT pit.

The one where you start in on a new hobby and then start shopping for it even though you don't particularly NEED anything for it. And then you become a COLLECTOR of the hobby materials. You may not even actually partake in the hobby anymore - but you still BUY things for it. It's like you think that tomorrow, when you have a free moment, you are TOTALLY going to work on it. And these new materials? Absolutely needed.

There we were at the new ginormous JoAnn's near our house, buying fabric for yet ANOTHER project. (One we might actually stand a chance to finish - but totally on another topic irrelevant to my blathering-on here). And I think to myself:

Me: Look at ALL the knitting stuff they have here!

Goodie-goodie side of the brain: you don't NEED any knitting supplies - you have all you need to work on your current projects

Me: who the fuck cares - let's go touch the yarn!

And it was then that I made the mistake. I wandered over into the knitting section with no boundaries for myself in place and there was the most softest, plush looking yarn I have ever seen.

And it was on sale.

For those of you who are fellow pitt-dwellers you know of the dangerous waters I am treading at this point.

Me: ooooooooohhhhhhh, what do we have here? It's so soft, and so cheap, and gosh-darn it I must have it for a scarf that I need to knit for no particular reason other than to just knit one.

Goodie-goodie side of the brain: seriously, just back away - the yarn is not needed! We have other projects to finish for no particular reason other than to be obsessive-compulsive.

Me: oh whatever. Why do I even talk to you?

And I took the soft, nubbly, on-sale yarn and bought it!

And now it's sitting in my craft room. Amongst all my other hobby-affiliated items. And at this point I'm still convinced I'm going to use it and it will be the most soft, wonderful, cute scarf I have ever knit. Because I have never actually knit a scarf.

Anyone wanna take bets on whether I'll actually use it?


Blogger Michele said...

I totally relate to the compulsion to collect materials for a new hobby. Hmmm, rubberstamping - which I believe we actually did exactly once for xmas cards, and then scrapbooking and of course I only made ONE scrapbook.

8/02/2005 11:02 AM

Blogger Tiffany said...

Umm... I used to have, like, EVERY kitchen gadget known to man. But I got rid of it all when we moved into tiny-ghetto house, which has equally tiny, urine-scented kitchen.

It felt refreshing! And liberating! But damn I miss the Forman Grill sometimes...

8/02/2005 1:34 PM


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